System overview
A brief introduction to SProUT, including its architecture, processing resources and grammar formalism can be found in the following publications.
W. Drozdzynski, H.-U. Krieger, J. Piskorski, U. Schäfer, F. Xu. Shallow Processing with Unification and Typed Feature Structures - Foundations and Applications. In Künstliche Intelligenz 1/2004. [BibTeX]
M. Becker, W. Drozdzynski, H.U. Krieger, J. Piskorski, U. Schäfer, F. Xu. SProUT - Shallow Processing with Typed Feature Structures and Unification. In Proceedings of ICON 2002 - International Conference on NLP, Mumbai, India, 2002. [BibTeX]
Recent extensions to the system and grammar formalism as well as speed-up techniques for processing unification-based finite-state grammars deployed in SProUT are presented in the following publication.
H-U. Krieger, W. Drozdzynski, J. Piskorski, U. Schäfer, F. Xu. A Bag of Useful Techniques for Unification-Based Finite-State Transducers. In Proceedings of 7th KONVENS Pages 105-112, Vienna, Austria, 2004. [BibTeX]